Friday 12 November 2010

Planning for our own album cover. (first photoshoot)

This photograph was taken with a sutterspeed of 0.8 seconds and an aperture of f/22. This meant that as shaun was turning his head the camera captured a motion blur but was still able to get the detail of his face i.e his nose and mouth. I wanted to have a motion blur in the image in order to directly contradict our chosen album title 'Inertia' which means a lack of activity or movement. This is intentionally ironic because the album itself considers the idea of movement and the passage through life. The fact that his head is blurred suggests confusion which ties into our theme due to the idea that our paths in life are confusing and unpredictable.

These images are also from the cover photoshoot. I had shaun move his head around to cause the blur and try different facial expressions until we were happy with an image. The next step we are going to take with our chosen image is to use photoshop to edit it and create the cover.